A 3D color wheel such as Kolormondo is very helpful when thinking about color intervals or conceptualizing what the optical mixture of two colors might be.

This is said by Fritz Hortzman, the Eduction Director of the important Josef & Anni Albers Foundation. Anybody involved with color will come across the amazing work of Josef Albers. So of course this makes us very proud.

Another example of how Kolormondo is being seen and used comes from Scott Henderson, Retail Trainer at the paint company PPG Architectural Coatings, New Zealand. He has “the Kolormondo Sphere to demonstrate when altering paint color. There are 3 possibilities, Hue, Chroma and Value. I will use it during our Color Theory Course. I believe it will be very useful to use as a practical tool to enhance understanding. “

The 3D Colour Globe of Kolormondo is – other than basic knowledge of the 3 attributes of color - also used to facilitate understanding of the CIELAB (L*a*b*) color specification system as well as Munsell and Delta E! says Abhay Sharma Professor, School of Graphic Communications Management, Ryerson University, Toronto and author of “Understanding Color Management”.


“One of the smartest products I’ve seen at Milan Design Week.”
Riccardo Capuzzo, juror Red Dot Award


So, art, paint and print are three I example of industries where Kolormondo´s 3D color wheel is used and admired. It is a tool for identifying, matching, mixing, discussing and teaching color. Other areas are architecture, fashion, graphic design, printing, interior design and product design.            

Why, just why, is color still shown flat, in 2D (color wheels, color charts and color fan deks) despite having 3 dimensions? It lacks overview, relations and logic.  Imagine that kids would never learn that the world is round. Looking at maps, they would regard San Francisco and Tokyo to be in different ends of the world. They would get lots and lots of other things wrong too, as a consequence of this misconception.

To understand the world, you need to know that it is round and have three dimenstions. The same goes for color. As opposed to flat 2D color charts, Kolormondo gives you color in a 3D colour wheel. See, touch and grasp what hue, value and saturation really mean. The user immediately sees the three dimensions: hue is around the globe, value increases gradually further up. The middle grey in the globe has no saturation, the further out you go, the more the saturation increases. 

The globe is a simplification, but it is very forceful for communicating the basics.

There are three primary colors in Kolormondo; Cyan-blue, Magenta-red and Yellow, also called CMY. These CMY colors form a triangle on the Equator piece and all other colours are mixtures of these three.


  • To understand and communicate color, specifically between the expert and the beginner
  • To identify a color and see how it relates to other colors
  • To find and match colors, find its complements and opposites
  • To develop your artistic capacity
  • As a tool fo inspiration in creative work
  • As a teaching tool for color basics​
  • As a beautiful object
  • As a perfect gift


“We use Kolormondo in the School of Art. It will also be used in the School of Architecture.”
Jae Rossman, Yale University

“The Kolormondo sphere is just beautiful, what an attractive and organized “kit.” It’s a learning experience just to open the envelope.”
Olivia Gude, Professor, School of Art and Art History, University of Illinois at Chicago